

Cartoon PatchSee Our Merchandise on

Help spread love and raise funds for the Gesundheit! Institute. All proceeds go to helping build our teaching center and hospital!

Like most people and organizations, the recent pandemic has hit us hard at the Gesundheit!Institute, slowing down donations, programming, and even our beloved clown trips. As a result, we are calling on our loving community of supporters to consider purchasing a snazzy limited edition shirt to help spread loving values and raise funds for much needed repairs on the beautiful West Virginia land that holds our beloved Gesundheit! Institute. Your purchase and/or donation will help ensure we can ramp back up with our programming and keeping the dream alive of getting the free hospital built! Read more ⇒


Custom Gesundheit Mask

buy-now-btn-webSupport Gesundheit by purchasing our very own face mask, complete with a clown nose, moustache, and Patch’s signature! Read More ⇒




When a dream takes hold of you, what can you do? You can run with it, let it run your life, or let it go and think for the rest of your life about what might have been. —Patch Adams, M.D. Read More ⇒


Author: Patch Adams, M.D., with Maureen Mylander
Publisher: Healing Arts Press (1998)227 pages



Gesundheit-book-coverSigned Copy of Gesundheit!

Support our work at Gesundheit by purchasing a signed copy of Patch’s book “Gesundheit!”. When a dream takes hold of you, what can you do? You can run with it, let it run your life, or let it go and think for the rest of your life about what might have been. —Patch Adams, M.D. Read More ⇒


Author: Patch Adams, M.D., with Maureen Mylander
Publisher: Healing Arts Press (1998)227 pages



¡Gesundheit! en Español

Cuando un sueño se apodera de uno, ¿qué se puede hacer? Se puede seguir, dejarlo que se apodere de nuestra vida o abandonarlo y pasar el resto de la existencia pensando en lo que pudo ser. —Patch Adams, M.D. Leer Más ⇒


Autor: Patch Adams, M.D., with Maureen Mylander
Publisher: Healing Arts Press (1998)272 pages




house callsHouse Calls

This book, House Calls, is a visitor’s kit that was originally designed for visiting hospital patients. However, now I realize that the information can be just as useful in visiting friends in nursing homes, prisons, or any place where people may be suffering and wishing they were elsewhere. —Patch Adams, M.D. Read more ⇒


Author: Patch Adams, M.D.,
Cartoons by Jerry Van Amerongen
Publisher: Robert D. Reed Publishers (1998)161 pages

Patch Adams MD & Gesundheit Institute, P.O. Box 307, Urbana, IL 61803

© Copyright 2025 Gesundheit! Institute