Gesundheit Library

Dear Readers,
These are not my favorite books. I am a lifelong lover of world literature, fiction, poetry and drama. Maybe some day I’ll give you a thousand favorites.

patch-books1The books found in this library are of two basic categories: (1) health and medical books acquired since I last updated the bibliographies of my books (1998); and (2) all the rest of the books connect to problems and solutions to the problems in the world. They are new acquisitions over the last 5 years. Since publicly I’m critical of governments and speak concerned for our extinction, I want you to see that my concern is based on more than a few resources.

Please, wherever you stand politically, do not rely on the mainstream media for your information. Our future as a species depends on us to be informed and to act for peace, justice and care for all people. Please be informed.patch-signature




Library Categories

Patch Adams MD & Gesundheit Institute, P.O. Box 307, Urbana, IL 61803

© Copyright 2025 Gesundheit! Institute