A GO!CLOWNS mission is an immersion in joyful altruistic social action; a traveling performance troupe; an antidote to burnout; an intensive experience in the healing power of community, carpenters on a building project; painters painting houses and murals; clowns teaching children art, play, theater, music; a “playshop” in compassionate, caring service; an improvisational experimental theater; or as fun, mind-stretching, heart-breaking, and heart-opening.
Volunteers from all walks of life almost universally experience GO!CLOWNS missions as deep, fulfilling, beautiful once-in-a-lifetime experiences—a feeling echoed by the thousands of people touched by this outreach. We lead 6-10 GO!CLOWNS missions each year, lasting from 6 to 15 days, involving 10-100 clown volunteers. Clowning experience is not required. We work with sponsors (often clown organizations) in host countries to develop itineraries and logistics in coordination with GO!CLOWNS staff.
Typically we clown in 2-3 sites during the daytime, and meet in evenings for sharing, learning and fun. The work can be strenuous and although the extreme settings can be difficult for those who have never experienced extreme poverty or human suffering, feedback on these missions is exuberantly positive, with deep impact on volunteers’ personal development and world view. GO!CLOWNS is continually developing opportunities for humanitarian service in the US and worldwide.