A GO!CLOWNS mission is an immersion in joyful altruistic social action; a traveling performance troupe; an antidote to burnout; an intensive experience in the healing power of community, carpenters on a building project; painters painting houses and murals; clowns teaching children art, play, theater, music; a “playshop” in compassionate, caring service; an improvisational experimental theater; or as fun, mind-stretching, heart-breaking, and heart-opening.

Group at Children HospitalVolunteers from all walks of life almost universally experience GO!CLOWNS missions as deep, fulfilling, beautiful once-in-a-lifetime experiences—a feeling echoed by the thousands of people touched by this outreach. We lead 6-10 GO!CLOWNS missions each year, lasting from 6 to 15 days, involving 10-100 clown volunteers. Clowning experience is not required. We work with sponsors (often clown organizations) in host countries to develop itineraries and logistics in coordination with GO!CLOWNS staff.

Typically we clown in 2-3 sites during the daytime, and meet in evenings for sharing, learning and fun. The work can be strenuous and although the extreme settings can be difficult for those who have never experienced extreme poverty or human suffering, feedback on these missions is exuberantly positive, with deep impact on  volunteers’ personal development and world view. GO!CLOWNS is continually developing opportunities for humanitarian service in the US and worldwide.

Clowning & Caring in Costa Rica

Costa-Rica-2013-webSeptember 1-8, 2024 | San José, Costa Rica

Clowning & Caring is a unique program combining Gesundheit clowning experience with the educational tools offered by the teachers/activists of the School for Designing a Society. Participants explore ways to care in hospitals, nursing homes, endangered communities, public parks and streets, with daily practical workshops in clown technique, song, poetry, improvisation, along with composing in small groups.

Learn More & Register Now (few spots still available)!

Morocco Clown Tour


October 19-28, 2024 | Marrakech – Casablanca, Morocco

The only criteria for participation in the Morocco Tour is that you come as a clown, with a joyful spirit of compassion, flexibility and interest. Our Morocco clown journey is accompanied by cultural experiences and countrywide excursions. Come Join Us!

Learn More & Register Now!

Clowning & Caring in Mexico!

Clowning & Caring in Ecuador Mexico City, Mexico

Yes, it’s true!!! We are so happy to announce that the program is back! Be part of the group of international clowns that together with a group of local clowns and university students clowns will explore performance and clowning as a strategy for caring, with daily visits to hospitals, shelters, mental-health institutions, streets and for the first time also a university campus!

Learn More, dates to be announced soon!

Clowning & Caring in Italy!

Napoli, Italy

Excited to announce our very FIRST Geundheit Clown Tour to Italy! Be part of the joyful clown team bringing Gesundheit! humanitarian clowning to this beautiful part of the world. We will also visit the Smile Clown Festival, a big event celebrating caring & clowning taking place in the city during the same week

Learn More & be on the Waiting List for 2025!

Clown Tour in Georgia!

Tbilisi, Georgia

The Gesundheit! Institute is thrilled to announce the 1st Clown Tour in Georgia with Patch Adams! We will spend 7 days in Georgia CLOWNING every day. We are sure to make many new Georgian friends through our shared journey of service, clowning and travel.

Learn More!

The Belen Festival

belen1Iquitos, Peru

Sponsored by Gesundheit! Institute and Bolaroja Clown Doctors of Peru, Clowns from around the world return to Iquitos, Peru, near the headwaters of the Amazon River for the Belén Festival, an intensive experience in collaborative grassroots community activism.

Learn More!

Clowning in Russia

russia-group-2011-sml Moscow & St. Petersburg, Russia

GO!CLOWNS brings international volunteer clowns to Moscow and St. Petersburg every November for our longest-running clown mission. Working together with Moscow-based Maria’s Children this is an unparalleled experience in joyful service to orphanages, hospitals, residential facilities for the elderly and special needs, and more. Learn more about the Clowning in Russia trip by following the link below.

Learn More!

Clowning & Caring in Ecuador

Clowning & Caring in EcuadorDates TBA | Quito, Ecuador

Patch Adams MD and the clowns-performers-composers of the School for Designing a Society invite you to join them in the annual clown trip to Ecuador, for daily clowning in hospitals, clinics and streets, clown-skill-building workshops, and red noses amazement!

Learn More!

Alternative Spring Break to Guatemala City

Guatemala City, Guatemala

You are invited by Gesundheit! Institute and Patch Adams to Guatemala City, Guatemala for the 11th annual Alternative Spring Break trip! Each day, we will explore the dynamics between play and power during visits to hospitals, nursing homes, schools, public parks, and special needs facilities.

Learn More

Cant get away?

Screen Shot 2014-08-27 at 10.14.15 AMLearn how to be a Gesundheit Fun-raiser at Home

For the fun-deficient, or those that can’t get away, we offer some hints and ideas on how to host a Fun-Raiser with your friends! Smiles are contagious. Imagine you are an anti-depressant- being publicly happy and generous of spirit is a public-health action. Fun-raising, for a moment, lifts us a little above this troubled world.

Learn More!

Patch Adams MD & Gesundheit Institute, P.O. Box 307, Urbana, IL 61803

© Copyright 2024 Gesundheit! Institute