First Clown Tour in Japan!

November 9 – 16th, 2025 | Tokyo, Japan

The Gesundheit! Institute is thrilled to announce the 1st Clown Tour to Japan.

This Trip is Now Full.

We plan to arrive at Tokyo Haneda Airport November 9 and depart from Kansai International Airport in Osaka, November 16, 2025.

Don’t miss the chance to be part of the joyful clown team bringing Gesundheit! humanitarian clowning to Japan.  Patch Adams will be joining us on a zoom call while we are in Tokyo!!

The Experience

Join us in beautiful Japan with the Gesundheit Institute. We will plan  for daily clown visits to a variety of institutions. These include senior care  facilities, disabled support centers, children’s hospitals and a workshop.  

We will be traveling from Tokyo to Nara via the world fastest bullet train.  Nara Prefecture is known as Japan’s oldest capital, home to numerous  World Heritage Sites, national treasures and historic streetscapes. We will  also visit Awaji Island which is said to be the first island born in Japan and  often referred to as the “Island of Creation”.  

We will spend 7 days CLOWNING every day. We are sure to make many  new Japanese friends through our shared journey of service clowning and  travel. Our group will transform into a community… a clown family  connected through our work, play and laughter. 

Clowning will open doors unlike any other travel experience. Gesundheit!  Global Outreach has clowned across the world with different groups. Our  experiences has taught us that clowning is an incredible tool for  connecting with people and that anyone is able to do it. The only criteria for participation in the Japan Tour is that you come as a clown with a joyful  spirit of compassion, flexibility and interest.



The Tour Package Includes:  

Meals, hotel accommodation with a roommate (unless notified that you are  requesting a single room with the added cost), transfer to and from the  airports, transportation within and between cities by tour bus or train and cultural activities. 

Participants are responsible for booking and paying for their own flights to  Tokyo international Airport (Haneda Airport) and your return flight is from  Kansai International Airport in Osaka. 

Arrive: Sunday, November 9, 2025  

Depart: Sunday, November 16, 2025

Cost: $1900. Space on this trip is limited. 




Mariko Kanemoto — I lives in Tokyo, my first clown tour was in Russia  2003. Since then, I have been to Italy, Morocco, China, Tibet, Ecuador and  Georgia. In Japan, I am the leader of a team called Clown One Japan. I am  very excited to host a clown tour to Japan for the first time!  Please come and experience the spirit of hospitality that Japan has to  offer.

Atsumasa Kubota a occupational therapist and personal assistant.

Motoaki Kimura head Minister of Tenrikyo Waichi Branch Church. 

Ginevra Sanguigno — clown and actress. Since 1981 she has been using theater as a vehicle for social change. Ginevra is an instructor, enthusiator, and the founder of Clown One Italia Npo , in 2000. She has been organizing humanitarian clown missions worldwide since 2003.

Sharon “Shar-Shar” Steinstarted volunteering in 1996, worked for a  non-profit affiliated with the United Nations and has traveled to 74 countries…so far. Because I had worked as a flight attendant for too many  years I had the privilege of spending time with many children and bringing  humanitarian aid to orphanages and natural disaster area’s. Lucky for me  24 years ago I met Patch and started coordinating clown tours.



Want to Participate?

Registration for 2025 is now CLOSED. Cost: $1900. This Trip is now full. 

Flights: Please arrive at Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport) by November  16 – Book your flight back home any time on November 16 from Kansai  International Airport in Osaka.

Under 18?: You MUST have your legal guardian fill out this form: Parental-Authorization-for-International-Travel

Passports: US citizen do not need a visa to enter Japan. Please check for any  exception related to your country. Passports can be expedited by your  local post office. Please bring two color photocopies of your passport with  you. Please check the expiration date of your document, passport must be valid for at least six months after your date of travel.

Vaccines: COVID-19: Vaccination is not required.

If you have questions that are not answered by the program’s description please contact:

Japan Tour Coordinators

Thank you and we hope you join us!



Patch Adams MD & Gesundheit Institute, P.O. Box 307, Urbana, IL 61803

© Copyright 2025 Gesundheit! Institute