Dear Friends, our precious brother Carl Hammerschlag has died.
Carl was a clown, a doctor, and he was my friend. We go back decades. After our first meeting, we shared our love for each other’s company and our shared projects. I loved seeing Carl clown about in a pink flamingo hat and tutu. He was a dear ear and voice of support for our clowning projects, always ready to experiment with fun and love. As long as I live, I will hear his voice cheering us all on and encouraging us toward our goals.
We love you, Carl, you will be missed.. Please read below from our dear friend and colleague, Charlotte.
In peace, Patch
What a profound gift to work, play, sing, laugh, cry and learn with this Beloved Doc and Dork, this LEGEND, the beautiful, brilliant, GOOFY and ever-encouraging Carl Hammerschlag.
I am thankful for Carl’s life, work, and legacy. I am thankful for his family and communities.
Carl is an inspiration in How To Live Life: To do it as best you can, to learn, to be both gigantic and have humility, to enjoy your life and work, to be present, to grow and be curious, to love, to love and suffer losses. To allow yourself to be transformed by life, by BEING HERE, by being at the right place at the right time. To accept the gifts, and give them back, and accept them, and give them back…to offer what you have learned, and to continue to learn. To work, as hard as you can at understanding what you can, and to be surprised, again and again. This is a good life. This is a life of a person who gives all that they can give.
Carl had said “We don’t bless each other enough,” and started and ended every meeting with a blessing. In this way, the last words I heard him speak were a blessing.
Thank you Carl. I lift a glass to you, and some chocolate too.
Let’s uplift one another. Let’s be joyful and contemplative in turns, let’s look at one another with love and curiosity and kindness. Let’s see one another’s hearts, let’s listen to one another’s stories, let’s hold one another in celebration and heartache. Let’s BE HERE, let’s be here. Let’s bless each other more.
In Beauty May We Walk
In Beauty May We Walk
In Beauty May We Walk
For All Our Relations
Mitakuye Oyasin
In Beauty May We Walk
with abundant love, Charlotte
Gesundheit hosts events focused on education—at the site of the future hospital and elsewhere.
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Funny Times is a monthly cartoon and humor newspaper for a world gone weird.
Tickle your funny bone and support a great cause at the same time!
Patch Adams MD & Gesundheit Institute, P.O. Box 307, Urbana, IL 61803
© Copyright 2025 Gesundheit! Institute