Leap of Faith

Last week, I visited with Paula Murphy in Boise, ID. Paula is a wonderful chiropractor who I hope will join us in West Virginia. Recently, she has taken up the trapeze, and teaching others how to use it. So, I…

Wounded Vet Trip

It’s been 6 months since we had our first wounded vet trip. I’m so heartened by the results and look forward to the next. Each of our clowns paired off with a vet. I was joined on this journey by…

Suzanne reflects on Clowning & Caring in Costa Rica

It was a late evening in August 2015, I was sitting outside in San Jose, Costa Rica, in an open space. It was late and dark. We were about 20 people listening to Patch Adams. My 23-year-old son was there,…

Morocco! by Lion

My first clowning adventure. by: Jeffery “Lion” Forbes Those 11 days changed my life like very few moments ever had. I had been corresponding with Patch Adams since before the movie came out, yet had never met him face to face. When we finally…

Patchs End of the Year Letter

Gesundheit has had a great year, infecting the world population with peace, justice, and care for all people. Thanks to a bequest from Merry Kay Powell, and help from Bruce Perlowin we have raised enough funds to put our first…

Mama Therapy

I was just in Paraguay for the first time, thanks to the great efforts of two medical students–Andrea and Daniella. In one day I did a 4-hour workshop, a 2-1/2 hour lecture, and 1 hour of clowning with 6 medical…

Belén Festival Mural Painting

Every year, Sose and I consider how to develop interventions that engage otherwise unnoticed spaces and deliver a clear message addressing issues identified by the community.  Our first steps when we work around a theme are to talk to people…

My Aunt Mary

Oh! What a treat! I contacted my father’s younger sister Mary (92) who lives in Indiana. I haven’t seen her in 50 years when Wildman and I went to a wedding of Jean–dad’s other sister’s (Martha) daughter. She was exited…

Red River Institute Spring Conference 2015

I’ll be the featured speaker at the Red River Institute Spring Conference 2015 on April 25th at the First United Methodist Church in downtown Shreveport. The Red River Institute’s Annual Spring Conference provides a unique opportunity for health providers of different…

10th Annual Belen Announcement Letter

The bells are tolling! This year we celebrate the 10th Annual Belén Festival, the central action of the Belén Project.   We are 10 years into our “marriage”with Pueblo Libre’s families and each year we rekindle and nourish the friendships we’ve been…

Everything You Like About Me, Came from my Mom

When I reflect on myself and my life and am asked how did I become the person I am I say: “Everything you like about me (and that I like about myself) came from my mom”. Yesterday I got a…

Our Recent Clown Trip to Ecuador

Did you see who was recently running around in my underwear? The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa! I’ve just returned from Ecuador, where 20 clowns from 7 countries have now made six annual visits. The trip was, almost needless to…

The Education Of Compassion

Join Patch and Gesundheit doctors in designing the world’s first curriculum for loving kindness and compassion in health care. “The Education of Compassion”, a 2-6 year curriculum, will be designed for teaching medical students, nursing students and other care givers…

Patch Adams Clinic In Philadelphia

Located in a low-income Philadelphia neighborhood, this clinic will provide community-based health care that is genuinely non-profit, preventive, humane and fun. It is a refuge for doctors and nurses who want time to heal patients. It is a refuge for…

Patch Adams MD & Gesundheit Institute, P.O. Box 307, Urbana, IL 61803

© Copyright 2025 Gesundheit! Institute