We are still raising funds for our beloved Farm House on the Gesundheit! Institute land in West Virginia. Needs include new floor, replacement industrial refrigerator, deck repairs, and new shelves, totaling over $7,000. This farmhouse is home to land volunteers as well as our kitchen and dining area where meals are cooked and served to volunteers, guests, and programming participants. To help raise these FUNds, we will be raffling off some nifty giftys on the next live stream in December! Prizes to be raffled off include; 2 FREE tickets to the Laughing Body: The Art of Care workshop next August (see website for more details on this workshop), autographed copies of our books signed by Patch, autographed t-shirt and book bundle, signed photos, and a 30 minute zoom call with Patch!
How to enter: Make a donation through our website for $5 or more, and your name will be automatically entered in the raffle. For every additional $5 donation, your name will be added for an additional chance to win. For example, if you donate $10, your name will be added to the drawing twice. If you donate $30, your name will be added to the drawing 6 times, increasing your chances of winning! All names will be added to a hat, and winners will be drawn live during the next Patch Chat on December 9th (more details below).
Monthly Patch Chat: Join Patch as he talks about Togetherness and Community this holiday season. He will share stories and philosophies on the benefits of connection and communal living for our overall health and happiness, followed by a live Q&A! We will also be drawing the names of our donation raffle winners!
Gesundheit hosts events focused on education—at the site of the future hospital and elsewhere.
Gesundheit offers an inspiring natural environment, sleeping arrangements, meeting spaces...
Funny Times is a monthly cartoon and humor newspaper for a world gone weird.
Tickle your funny bone and support a great cause at the same time!
Patch Adams MD & Gesundheit Institute, P.O. Box 307, Urbana, IL 61803
© Copyright 2025 Gesundheit! Institute