Spring Clown Trip to Guatemala

Our bonds are growing stronger, our children are growing up together in a team where care, love, and attention CAN and DO shape the physical reality of an environment for a moment, or a week, or change the course of a life, or a town…

The Guatemala City clown trip is in its 10th year–10 years of clown participant groups (about 150 alumni! whoa! where are all those folks now?); 10 years of friendships with Fabrica de Sonrisas (our beautiful sister clown group in Guatemala City); 10 years of exploration and collaboration with thousands of residents sharing moments of joy, tears, fun, and friendship.

It has been one of the greatest joys in my life to help host and hold a container of curiosity and playfulness where transformation of the physical and mental landscape for a week can provide more hope, joy, and inspiration for the future.

If you have been on this trip and can share a story, please chime in.

Registration is open, if you are interested in sharing a week-long immersion with clowns from the Gesundheit! Institute and Fabrica de Sonrisas.

with love,

You’re Invited! Learn More

Patch Adams MD & Gesundheit Institute, P.O. Box 307, Urbana, IL 61803

© Copyright 2025 Gesundheit! Institute