Teaching Center Construction Update from West Virginia

After a soggy, flooding, rainy-wet summer we are finally setting a solid pace with the construction of the Teaching Center on the land in West Virginia.  After additional delays due to a lack of cranes following the major floods in Greenbriar County, Andrew, Jo and the crew are moving up, up, up! 
This week the lower steel underbelly of the building is up along with a very new 2nd story.  The elevator core is ready for another pour of concrete, which will be our first 3rd story element, and we are ready soon for a final roof assembly on the north and south-end of the building.  Just new this week, dining room extension now looks over the creek!  Looking forward to a roof toward the end of this month and big final trusses the first week in September.  More soon, stay tuned….

-team G!, Tyler and Jo

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Patch Adams MD & Gesundheit Institute, P.O. Box 307, Urbana, IL 61803

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