Patch Adams here, writing to you from the office of my lovely partner Susan. This year has been an interesting one.
Every day is a gift and during this Pandemic, which has caused so much pain and suffering, I remain thankful that it has given me the chance to spend more time with Susan. Before the Pandemic, I was on the road for more than 30 years… I would travel 250-300 days in a year, and in those 30 years, our record was 2 to 3 weeks together. I’ve been in heavenly bliss.
As much suffering as the Pandemic has caused, I’m concerned about another threat. Not worried, not afraid, but concerned. As many of you know, our planet is suffering. Our climate has been changing; while some regions of the world continue to experience droughts and wildfires, other regions have been hit with monstrous storms that have grown more numerous by the year. These events are a natural way for the planet to return to a homeostatic state. The Pandemic shows the difficulty of mobilization, and as a result of the Pandemic, carbon emissions have been falling worldwide. Many great minds are working on ways to lower the barrier to renewable energy. But we also need to pressure our politicians to take climate change seriously. If appealing to their compassion and humanity won’t work, then appeal to their pocketbooks – these storms are causing untold billions of dollars of damage each year we wait.
While we wait for the Pandemic to lift, I’ve been aching to reach out to you, to listen to your concerns, and discover ways to help you let go of pain and suffering and embrace the joys in your own life. Every week, I’ve been meeting with friends worldwide to laugh, sing, and express our joys and frustrations being unable to spread clown love to the world in person. I don’t use a computer, and so these meetings have been set up by my staff. I’ve asked them to help me connect with you all, and so we are offering a series of four workshops in 2021. Check them out on our website.
People worldwide have gathered at their computers and joined us for two seminar sessions this past year. We held a seminar this past summer, and then we just wrapped another one last month. These were organized by my partner, Susan, and her School for Designing a Society. In the summer was our annual: “Construct your Humanism: Desire and Design” that focus on tools to develop and maintain your compassion and drive to help others. This past Fall was “Wormhole 2.0”, bringing together people from all over the world to tackle this most important issue of Climate Change by infusing our thoughts with hope and optimism for the future.
Wow, it’s already 2021, and I’m still here! We are still here! I’m surviving and grateful every day to be alive. Every day I get letters from around the world about how demoralizing this Pandemic has become. I remind them about the beauty of being alive and being able to experience all that life has offered – even during this Pandemic. I’ll be giving workshops on the 15th and 29th of this month (January) and the 12th and 26th of February. While I would love to give these workshops away for free, this Pandemic has been hard on Gesundheit as well, so we’ll have to ask participants to pay to join our lecture.
So, my friends, I write to you all hoping that 2021 will be our year. We will be built because of support from people like you.
Gesundheit hosts events focused on education—at the site of the future hospital and elsewhere.
Gesundheit offers an inspiring natural environment, sleeping arrangements, meeting spaces...
Funny Times is a monthly cartoon and humor newspaper for a world gone weird.
Tickle your funny bone and support a great cause at the same time!
Patch Adams MD & Gesundheit Institute, P.O. Box 307, Urbana, IL 61803
© Copyright 2025 Gesundheit! Institute